Perimeters and Areas Part3

Welcome to the Third part of our topic:-

Area of a square

As we discussed in rectangle, the area is given by length X Width. This is the same as Square but there is small change in its dimensions, in square all sides are equal that means length is equal to the width.

The formula will be length x width but since length = width then Area = length x length = length2

Therefore the formula is l x l = l2.


Find the area of the square having length = 5cm.


Area = Length x Length

Area = 5cm x 5cm

Area = 25cm2

Example 2:
find the area of the Square Below:-


Area = Length x Length

Area = 10m x 10m

Area = 100m2


A trapezium is a four sided quadrilateral which has only one pair of opposite sides as parallel to each other and the other pair of opposite sides are non-parallel. One of the parallel side is bigger than the other. Trapezium is a two-dimensional figure. Trapezium is a type of a quadrilateral.

Now, let us learn important properties of trapezium.

  • One pair of opposite sides of trapezium is parallel.
  • Other pair of opposite sides of trapezium is not parallel.
  • If the non-parallel sides are equal in length to each other, then the trapezium is known as an isosceles trapezium.
  • The perpendicular distance between the parallel sides of trapezium is called the height of the trapezium.
  • The sum of all angles of the trapezium is 360°.

Click Next for Area of Trapezoid:-